Time and Memory “Uptairs Bread” by Emily Wall “Firefly” by Kim Lozano “Absentee Ballot, Union Camp, 1864” by Michelle Bonczek Evory “After Reckless Abandon” by Heather Lang “House of Dissolution” by M. Ann Hull “Honeymoon” by Michelle Bonczek Evory “This Line Means Nothing” by Michael Bazzett “At the old house where I first learned” by Rachel Hoge “Gino Severini” by Josh Ascherman “Of Course, Loss” by Tom Montag “Turning the Corner” by Polly Brown “Called to the Water” by Moriah Cohen “Ghost Dog” by Lindsay Ahl “Rising Action” by Ray Holmes “The Moth” by Michael Hettich “The Old Now” by Michael Bazzett “Avocado Lake” by Daniel Mahoney “Watermill Elegy” by Moriah Cohen “My Oldest Memory” by Luke Daly