Longing and Restlessness “when youre with him” by Victoria Isabella Walls “Firefly” by Kim Lozano “Love Poems” by Tom Montag “After Reckless Abandon” by Heather Lang “VanGogh Remembers Being in Love” by Kathryn Hujda “Reading the Landscape” by Julie Swarstad Johnson “She Covers Her” by Kevin McLellan [You can hear wind echo] by Z.G. Tomaszewski “This Line Means Nothing” by Michael Bazzett “Gino Severini” by Josh Ascherman “Crossing the Red Sea” by Edward Dougherty “Unquiet” by Heather Lang “When All Else Failed” by Jennifer Goldring “I Have Half a Mind” by April Salzano “Called to the Water” by Moriah Cohen “Laurels In September” by Kejt Walsh “Midwest Lullaby” by Jennifer Fandel “After After Sappho” by Maggie Colvett “Last Year Without” by Haley VanHeukelom