St. Louis Poets Poems by current and former St. Louisans. “when youre with him” by Victoria Isabella Walls “Firefly” by Kim Lozano “Windrose” by Jennifer Goldring “When All Else Failed” by Jennifer Goldring “Clearing Materials of Exile” by Kelli Allen “Lazarus of Bethany Speaks from the Tomb” by Emily Grise “Painting” by Eric Primm “Self-Portrait in Greyhoud Bus” by Catherine Rankovic “Rising Action” by Ray Holmes “Anthology” by Shane Seely “Woodmere” by gaye gambell-peterson “Birthday for Robert, October 28” by Joe Betz “On the Fifth Level” by Niki Nymark “On Keeping” by Ryan Smith “Midwest Lullaby” by Jennifer Fandel “Ode to the Lovers Upstairs” by Jennifer Fandel “Of Five Fears: Three of them Light” by Kelli Allen “Love Sonnet” by Amy Milton “The 18th Birthday” by Scott Morgan Two Haiku by Ben Moeller-Gaa